Advanced technology development and commercialization greatly strengthens Israel's position as a global leader in nanotech R&D.
With the creation of its nanotech centers -- each focused on specific disciplines and styles of research -- Israel sets the global pace for nanoresearch in Nanomaterials, Nanobiotechnology, Nanoelectronics, 'Nanowater'
Over 80 Israeli firms engage in developing nanotech-related products. Some 65 of these companies are startups with core missions devoted to nano-enabled or nano-enabling products.
Not surprisingly, the industry sectors most strongly represented by Israeli nanotech companies are identical to the disciplines being researched in Israeli academic institutions: nanomaterials, nanobiotechnology and nanoelectronics.
Israel established itself as a powerhouse both for basic and multidisciplinary scientific research. With the creation of six nanotechnology centers in Academia -- each focused on specific disciplines and styles of research -- Israel sets the global pace for nanoresearch in: Nanomaterials, Nanobiotechnology, Nanoelectronics, Nanowater.
Israel is recognized the world over as a leading source of knowledge and innovation in advanced research and technology. Nanotechnology is a natural enabler for Israel. In fact, our small size is also our advantage -- it means sharper focus, more efficient use of funds, fewer commercial obstacles, rapid prototyping and testing, and higher quality standards. Israel's outstanding track record is just a hint of what nanotechnology brings. Israel and nano are a strategic fit.
We are six Nano Centers in Israel. Meet researchers of all six Nano Centers on the Researchers page, and also nano scientists from additional Israel academia.